Richwoodwww.richwooders.comWest Virginia
The track you posted looks to me like a canine print.



Difference between K9 and feline tracks.Difference between K9 and feline tracks

The track you posted looks to me like a canine print.
We found this print while hiking on Wildlife Trail at Dolly Sods. While going down the trail it was not there, we spotted on the return, maybe 3 hours afterwards.
It’s clear there are thousands of residents who often mistake the tracks of coyotes and large dogs as Mountain Lions but the track you posted looks to me like a canine print..
A track in soft dirt spread out more and may look bigger from one in regular dirt. Animals tracks 3 to 4 inches Mountain Lion; no claw marks  |  2 to 2.5 inches Bobcat; no claw marks  |  2 to 3 inches canine; claw marks.
The front two toes in a canine track will always be even with each other, while a mountain lion's or cougar's track's front two toes will be offset with one slightly in front of the other. The front two toes looks even to me, so this is a canine track. Other who looks at this photography will not completely rule out the possibility that a mountain lion or bobcat made this track.
Anyone else seen any clues? What's your opinion on this track? Email Us

Thank Steve Konya for the excellent photography.
Taken on 6/29/2007
CAD Designer / Photographer ppwv
Paradigm Architecture
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