Rudolph Falls, Richwood West Virginia
This picture was taken 2009 at Rudolph Falls, Richwood!
Richwooders Site
The old swimming hole.
Disregard the date on picture, never set camera. Peter Ring
Rudolph Falls, Richwood WV.
   "The old swimming hold on Marlinton Road", Mr. Rudolph donated the access points to "The Falls" to the "City of Richwood" when he sold Rudolph Lumber Company (now Georgia Pacific). The falls was named Rudolph Falls in honor of Mr. Rudolph. Go up to the Falls and you will find a large wooden sign that tells the story of Rudolph Falls.
                  Rudolph Falls Links
(1)    Rudolph Falls Snake
(2)    Rudolph Falls Winter White
(3)    Rudolph Falls 1993

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