Richwood Richwooders West Virginia

Milltown Grade School Eighth Grade,1969 - 1970, Richwood WV

   (Milltown Thumbnails)   (Main Page)

Milltown Grade 8

This is the Milltown eighth grade class of 1969-70. They were the R.H.S. Class of 1974.

  • Row 1: Richard Hoover, Connie Perrine, Steve Ferguson, Nancy Moss, James Husk, Margaret Given,Everett Wright
  • Row 2: Judy Weaver, John Meadows, Jane Snyder, Ray Short, Susan Tinney, Rex Gray, Carolyn Frame
  • Row 3: Tony Barnette, Mary Ann Smithson, Shelia O'Dell, James Barker
  • Row 4: Peggy Windle, Mike Roman, Linda Harless, Delbert Bailey, Paula Barber, David Jordan, Sally Tharp
  • Row 5: James Trivolette, Josephine Hull, Mike Cutlip, David Caldwell, Bill Little, Roger Tharp, Curtis Overbaugh

       (Milltown Thumbnails)   (Main Page)
    Where:         Richwood,Milltown Elementary Grade School  
    When:          1969 &  1970
    submitted by:  Mary Ann  Harris

    Milltown Elementary Grade School,Eighth grade, 1969 - 1970, Richwood, West Virginia

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