Think about the wild Owls of West Virginia and how we get excited when we are a eyewitness to a owl sighting.If you think you have seen a Long Eared Owl in West Virginia, you are not alone.Submitted by: Billybob OWL (2005)
Barred Owl A pair of Barred Owls Barred OwlsThis bird inhabits North America woodlands and forest as far south as Guatemala. Barred Owls are one of our more common owls in America. Barred Owls are attracted to campfires and lights where they forage for living creatures like mice, moles, rabbits,snakes, frogs, flying squirrels, small birds, snakes, frogs and insects.
Where: Owl Country. A few of the owls sightings in West Viginia, that my dad eyewitness is the Barn owl the Saw-whe owl sighting in Dolly Sods. Long Eared Owl that is uncommon in West Virginia.
When: 50's and 60's
Photographer: Billybob
Photo submitted by: Billybob
Owls sightings in West Viginia - Saw-whet Owl, Short-eared Owl, Long-eared Owl, Barred Owl, Snowy Owl, Great Horned Owl, Eastern Screech Owl and Barn Owl.
Some of America's Most Scenic Natural Treasures is the Monongahela National Forest and the Mountains surrounding Nicholas County. |